Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Hello World - My First Blog

I'm in the process of combining my two blogs into one.  So for the following weeks, you'll see some personal writings which may or may not be food related.  They all remind me of people, places, and moments in my life over the last three years.
This entry is the first time I ever blogged.  We had just moved to Portland, I was a student at Western States Chiropractic College, and life as I knew it was about to drastically change. Our boxer dog Oscar passed away weeks later, which was quickly followed by the sudden death of my dad.  I took a break from school and later decided I definitely did not want to go back.  It was a rough time for us, yet somehow in the midst of it, God was very presently with us and has never left us.  It's all still a big work in process. 

I know these blogs (about 10 of them) are much different than what I've shared here thus far, but they are special to me and I'd like to share them with you for the first time or once again.  

Hello World

I’ve been planning on writing my first blog for some time now.  My first two week break from school was much needed, but as to date I’m starting the 5th week of 2nd Quarter and fully in the thick of exam mode.  Midterms begin in a week:  Histology, Gross Anatomy, Biomechanics, Radiological Anatomy, and more Biochemistry.  Fortunately, a few of my classes don’t have midterms, only finals.  They will all be in the middle of June and many of them on my 30th birthday exactly!  

For now I will study and drink my soy chai latte from the Perfect Cup Espresso, where ingredients are not given, but drinks can only be described with an "explosion of flavor in your mouth".  Oscar says hi.  He’s studying on the couch with me, as my husband showers off the salt crystals he accumulated from the half-marathon he completed this morning in Eugene, OR!  

Peace out (and veganism) to all. 

-written May 4, 2008 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing, Joy. It's nice to see pieces of your heart.


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